Feb 19, 2025
ENG 101 - English Composition 1 Credits: 3 Lecture Contact Hours: 3 Description: This course teaches students to prepare and write a number of clear, well-developed essays using exposition and other rhetorical modes. This process assists students to build writing strategies and methodologies for college and professional writing.
Prerequisites: ENG 055 with a minimum grade of 2.0, or overall high school GPA of 2.8 or higher, or minimum score of 18 ACT-English, 25 SAT-Writing and Language, 71 CPT-Sentence Skills or 250 NGA-Writing. Corequisites: None. Recommended: None.
Course Category: Liberal Arts | English This course counts toward Schoolcraft’s General Education Requirements. This course counts toward a Michigan Transfer Agreement General Education Requirement.
This Course is Typically Offered: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall Check Course Availability
Course Competencies
- Analyze types of writing, audiences and purposes.
- Apply prewriting strategies such as brainstorming, idea mapping and outlining to plan writing tasks.
- Employ techniques, such as observing, recording, summarizing, analyzing, classifying, interpreting, comparing, defining, arguing and/or instructing for effective college-level writing.
- Examine student and professional writing for rhetorical elements, strengths and weaknesses.
- Write unified essays whose central ideas are expressed by clear thesis statements and topic sentences.
- Provide support for thesis statements and topic sentences through the use of relevant details, examples, reasons, facts, data and quotations.
- Demonstrate appropriate writing competencies in advancing, addressing and expressing ideas within academic disciplines.
- Evaluate writing through revising, editing and proofreading effectively to achieve coherence and avoid grammatical errors.
- Apply rules of standard grammar and usage to writing.
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