SURG 100 - Introduction to Surgical Technology Credits: 2 Lecture Contact Hours: 2 Description: In this course, students will learn about the job duties and opportunities for the surgical technologist. Students will also research affiliated professional organizations to glean knowledge about the role of regulatory agencies and how they are integrated in this area of healthcare. An exploration of the physical environment of the surgical setting will allow students a chance to learn about what precautionary safety considerations and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) will need to be embraced for this career. Students must pass this course successfully with a 3.0 or higher as one condition of program acceptance.
Prerequisites: None Corequisites: None Recommended: None
Course Category: Occupational Check Course Availability
Course Competencies Main Learning Domains: Cognitive, Affective
1. Assess the roles and responsibilities of the surgical technologist.
a. Evaluate the roles of the surgical team members.
i. Sterile
ii. Non-sterile
b. Analyze the importance of professional competence and the surgical conscience.
2. Analyze the characteristics and professional behaviors of the surgical technologist.
a. Evaluate the need for critical thinking and emotional intelligence as a surgical team member.
b. Investigate employability skills of the surgical technologist.
c. Research different job qualifications in the field of surgical technology.
3. Investigate the importance of professional resources.
a. Demonstrate an understanding of program accreditation.
b. Determine how professional credentials are obtained and maintained.
c. Analyze the benefits of professional membership.
d. Differentiate the roles of other integrated organizations.
4. Organize pathways that can achieve professional leadership and advancement.
a. Evaluate future career opportunities in the profession.
b. Distinguish what credentials and degrees are necessary to obtain advancement.
5. Research other professional organizations related to the field of surgical technology as they pertain to healthcare.
6. Investigate the communication and organizational charts of healthcare facilities.
a. Analyze how different departments are related to the surgical suite.
i. Direct
ii. Indirect
b. Evaluate the types of communication that are utilized within the healthcare setting.
i. Electronic
ii. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
iii. Surgeon preference cards
c. Assess how to report communications utilizing chain of command.
d. Investigate different insurance reimbursement and how it impacts healthcare.
e. Distinguish the organizational chart of roles and responsibilities within the healthcare setting.
7. Investigate the design of a surgical suite and physical environment.
a. Analyze the prevention strategy of traffic patterns and floor plans.
b. Evaluate all environmental systems and controls.
i. Distinguish the color system for gases in the operating room.
ii. Determine the need for suction.
iii. Examine the parameters for temperature, humidity and air flow.
c. Investigate the hazards within the surgical setting.
i. Physical
ii. Chemical
iii. Biological
8. Evaluate the need for safe practice precautions as a surgical team member.
a. Differentiate which PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) needs to be utilized in each role and area of the healthcare facility.
i. Unrestricted
ii. Semi-restricted
iii. Restricted
b. Distinguish how to determine latex allergies and precautions needed in the operating room.
c. Differentiate universal precautions and standard precautions of bloodborne pathogen training for healthcare workers.
d. Evaluate healthcare facility exposure protocols and documentation.
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